Monday, June 13, 2011

Trip to Henrietta, TX in May

Mom, the kids, and I took a trip to visit Memaw in Henrietta! We had a lot of fun!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Shelber Stats!

At Shelby's 7 month appointment (well late for her 6 month:), she weighed 16.4 lbs and had grown an inch. She is 90% for height and 40% for weight in 7 month olds. So far, it's tall and thin stats like her bro.

Hayden has starting calling her Shelber or Shelb Shelb:) He loves his sister and still gets so excited when its time to get her from her crib in the morning or after a nap. I need to record his sweet little baby talk he uses for her. She could be asleep or just waking up and he busts in her room with enthusiam and it's almost like she stands to attention and salutes with a grin from ear to ear at her big brother's voice. Little pumpkins.

At 7.5 months, Shelby is..

Babbling (her first 'word' is some combo of Da-Da, and Bah Bah)
Pulling up
Eats baby food+ loves the Puffs and has started to feed herself those
Starting to reach for and hold her bottle
Sleeping through the night most nights, with an occasion 4am awakening but usually goes back to sleep until 6am
She is a wiggle worm now that she is moving, but still a very sweet and chill little lady!

T-Ball, ahem, Baseball

Hayden is playing T-ball this summer and having a great time with it. He loved picking out the baseball pants and socks..and thinks it's awesome putting on his cleats and hat. His cleats DO make him runner faster, ya know. Whenever he plays pitcher and is the main person retrieving the ball and tagging the runner (they hardly throw it to the bases..I guess it's the strategy for these young ones, although they all can throw! We'll see what it's like if he wants to play next year:)..he always sprawls to get the ball. We know he is copying the MLB players, particularly the Cubs that he watches with Dad! Along that line, we have to call it 'baseball' because it's the realll thing!


I heard a monster truck rally was in town (not the Monster Jam with the infamous Gravedigger, et. al., but trucks anyway!) and got tickets for Hayden and Steve. They had a great time. Steve said Hayden heard the trucks as he was exiting the car in the parking lot and said 'I HEAR THEM! Those are the REAL monster trucks!' He has a case at home with at least 15 monster trucks and knows them all by name; plays Xbox game with his Dad as well! Good times had by all!

New Blog

Out with the old blog and layout problems, and in with the new.